The Bigger Picture
The bigger picture behind the circus industry was more heartbreaking, around 40 wild cats including, Pumas, Cheetahs, Tigers, and Lions. These 40 animals that ADI is in the process to get free from the circuses. If they succeed, at rescuing all these animals, there will be one more country where no animals will be kept in cruel environments for the name of the circus.
Making New Homes
Animal Defenders International finally got the custody of Nena, Sasha, and Kimba and one more pair Tanya and Tarzan who had a different owner. All the five of them were to be released in a few days but ADI was not yet prepared to take the big responsibility. They had less time and a lot of work to be done. Nobody ever had even the slightest of an idea that these pretty huge animals were about to give them the most beautiful site ever.
Building Their Home
The ADI team built their home, special enclosures in a rescue center in Guatemala. Soon, the lions were welcomed in the rescue center but their homes weren’t ready yet. Also, ADI wasn’t planning on keeping them in Guatemala for a long time which meant this was a temporary shelter for the group of lions. Before they could reach any place better and permanent, these animals were yet to show the rescuers their most adorable side.
First Grass

Once the Animal Defenders International’s team was done with the Lions’ temporary homes, this group of five big cats could now stay in a vast area, covered with grass. Sadly, all the 5 of them, Sasha, Nena, Kimba, Tanya, and Tarzan have never slept on grass before. Their old tiny cages had cemented floor and no grass on it. In short, this was about to be the first time these animals were about to feel the comfort of grass.
To Sasha’s Surprise
It was real grass and the ADI team members were quite excited to see these animals’ response when they’ll walk on grass for the first time. Sasha was the first one to enter in her new place and when she did, her pleasure could be seen clearly. Sasha was so delighted that after taking a walk and checking her new home, she just felt like rolling on the grass.
More Than Important
Well, let’s just tell you that lions are one of their kind and they love grass. They are found on the grasslands itself. Hence, the grass is not just a part of their lives but their necessity which makes their life more comfortable and more meaningful.