A Home For Merrill
So then, one fine day, there was a man who made his way into the shelter in the hopes of adopting a dog for himself. The man was looking through the different dogs that were there at the shelter but was captivated by one particular dog. As soon as he saw Merrill, the man knee for a fact that this dog was the one for him. It was not so surprising because so many others wanted to adopt Merrill as well. So the shelter agreed and after they finished with all the paperwork, the time came for Merrill to go home with her new owner. But something unexpected happened. As the shelter went to take Merrill out of the cage, Taco remained inside it. And just then, Merrill started to howl and did not want to stop. Her new owner was very puzzled.
A New Plan
The man was very confused when Merrill would not stop crying when she was taken out of her cage. In his head, the dog should have been overjoyed after finding a new owner who was going to take her out of her caged life. So then the volunteers at the shelter informed the man of the fact that Taco and Merrill were the best of friends who could not be separated. They filled him in on all the stuff that had happened everything the two dogs were kept in different places. After hearing about their incredible story and their strong friendship, he was also convinced that the two dogs should not be separated. So, the man made up his mind and went with another dog. The shelter then felt like they needed to fix their strategy.
They Can’t Be Separated
What could the shelter have done to get these poor dogs to have a home and get adopted? It seemed as though every time there was hope for them, they were not chosen once again because of their friendship. So then, in the end, the staff made a conclusion. They all agreed that the two dogs needed to be kept together. They made changes in their website and soon an interested adopter by the name of Jodi offered to foster them. She would take care of these two until the two friends found a new home for themselves. She wanted to step in to save these dogs that were in need of a loving owner. But then, before they even expected it, there was a miracle that happened and the two dogs would not have to suffer anymore.
A New Home Together
The shelter was very pleased to hear that there was a family that wanted to adopt the two dogs together. There was once family from San Jose that fortunately stumbled on the shelter’s website who immediately fell in love with Taco and Merrill’s story. The family did not hesitate or waste a moment to act. They soon went to Jodi’s place so that they could meet the pups. Even after meeting them, their decision to make them family was not changed. They formed an instant bond with the two adorable dogs. So, time was not wasted and soon they made their way home. All of them, including the two dog best friends, were extremely excited to all leave together to go to their new home. This was just the beginning.
Problems With Aging
As we have all read before, Taco was not a young dog and so old age was getting to him. Due to his old age, Taco soon found himself going through a few health issues. The poor chihuahua was suffering from multiple problems in his health including asthma, and dental disease. He was then left with only four teeth because of his disease. Up until then, the family was able to take care of Taco’s health problems as they were somewhat very minor. But then later the family took Taco to the vet after just a month. They were in for quite a surprise as they did not expect to hear about any bad news as they thought he was doing just fine. But there they found out that things weren’t looking so positive for Taco.
Taco Needed Immediate Medical Attention
The family was hoping and praying that his fate would not end up for the worse. When they went to the vet, they informed them about Taco’s heart that was enlarged and the fact that his lungs were filled with fluid. This was a very serious case that most dogs die from if not given proper medical treatment. So if the family did not act quickly and do something for Taco, then his heart would eventually fail him. So Taco was quickly put on medications and was soon scheduled for a visit with a specialist. The only thing left for the family to do was to hope for the best and pray for their poor dog that was obviously going through a lot. Since he was old, the family was also preparing themselves for the worst as well.