Getting Facts Right
Get ready to be amazed by this piece of information- the Great Pyramid of Giza is made of 2.3 million stones each weighing 2.5 to 15 tons! What wood could have withstood that weight and for the workers to have achieved the feat of building the pyramid in 20 years a block should have been laid down in every 2.5 minutes? The calculations show us that the task was pretty unachievable and therefore researchers believe that the pyramids were built by a more advanced society.
Drills Found In Khufu’s Sarcophagus
Khufu, the person who is given the credit for the construction of the Great Pyramid, has a coffin that raises many questions. The sarcophagus weighs around 3.75 tons which are quite heavy. So heavy that scientists believe that it could not have been carried inside the pyramid after it was built. So they think that it was placed there much earlier.
Then there is the part where it is believed that the sarcophagus is carved completely out of granite which as most of you would know is pretty tough to carve. Drill holes have been discovered on the sarcophagus. The question is, what drill was used at that time to carve granite?
Oriented With Orion’s Belt
To make things more unbelievable for you here is another creepy fact. The pyramids named Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure are aligned with the stars (Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka) of the Orion belt (a constellation in the night sky). No one knows, to date, how the Egyptians could have achieved this feat of aligning the pyramids with the celestial bodies. Orion was not even named till, 2,000 years after the pyramids were made but it is believed that the constellation was linked with Osiris, God of Rebirth, by the Egyptians.
Labyrinth Beneath The Pyramids
Under the Pyramid is a different world in itself. There is an intricate tunnel system which is made out of limestone. It is here that mind-boggling discoveries have been made. And not all of those discoveries are public knowledge.
There are conspiracy theories that the scientists are hiding what all is underneath these giant structures. In a lot of ancient texts, there is an allusion to things about 55 miles south of Cairo under the city of Hawara.
Hidden Chamber

In the recent past, scientists made another discovery in the Great Pyramid. They found a hidden chamber with the help of a strong X-ray. What this chamber is for, no one has a clue, not yet at least.
The first and the most simple theory is that the architects of the Pyramid left a cavity or cavities so as to not have the stones too pressured so as to prevent them from collapsing. But is it the only purpose of these chambers? Well, the possibilities have been entertained.
Enough Stones To Build A Wall Around France
This is an interesting fact, it might not come as a surprise though. Researchers have figured that the number of stones used to build the pyramids could be used to construct a wall around France. And not like a small wall, but a good 10 feet wall with one-foot thickness. Incredible, is it not?