Not Me
To this Rachelle revealed that it was not her who decided to go for DNA. Rather the picture that she posted with Nicoll when she joined the Elementary School was the one which did it. People started to say that they look so similar. And finally, Rachelle showed the picture.
The Picture
This was the picture which Rachelle took initially of her and Nicoll. Undoubtedly they had very similar facial features. The people were right to call them sisters. However, back then both of them did laugh over it and now they were questioning themselves.
Went Viral
The sisters’ tale was so strange and unusual that it gained a lot of popularity. Surprisingly, their past and reunion went viral and the sisters were even called at the Good Morning America segment. The sisters shared how it was to meet for the first time and realize the bond they shared.
More And More
People had varied responses to this story. While many were amazed others were so touched that they themselves performed a home DNA test to look for a possible match if any. Majorly the children who were adopted opted for this test. This was quite unexpected.
Fate And Mom
The women also said on the show that they believe it was a bit of fate and most importantly their late birth mother who made this reunion possible. It was her wish or blessings that the women crossed each others path.
Strong And Happy
We wish that the sisters have a happy life ahead. Hoping that they could stay together and cherish the golden times which they could not in the initial years of their life. As they say better late than never…