Bertram The Pomerian
So it might have been quite scarring and unpleasant for the dog because he obviously went through so much. It was wonderful and strange to see that the little puppy has no difficulty in adopting his new name too. As soon as she decided to rename him and call, Bert responded to Kathy’s calls right from the first time. She was extremely excited too…
New Owner, New Life
So after being adopted and given a new identity, Bert was slowly getting used to his brand new life. And his new owner, Kathy runs an art gallery called “The Hole”. Since Bert is the new pet, he would usually spend most of his time there at the gallery. In fact, he has gotten used to his new lifestyle, and what he does now is truly something that will bring a smile on your face.
Lover Of Milkshakes
So there is one adorable thing that Kathy says her new dogs absolutely enjoys doing. She explains that one of their usual rituals together would be to go to a cafe and chill there. She reveals what Bert loves the most. She says that he enjoys sitting by her side and watch her gulp delicious milkshake. He sometimes sneaks a few sips but as a dog, he cannot really drink much…
An Avid Traveler
And there is another adorable thing that the puppy is good at. It turns out, Bert is actually an art connoisseur and Kathy explains that she could not get a better assistant for her work. He loves to tag along everywhere and be next to Kathy wherever she goes. We can show you just how well Bert has traveled following the days after Kathy adopted him.
What Bert Enjoys
And it turns out, Bert met the person truly meant for him. He was adopted by a woman that truly brought out what he enjoyed deep inside. “From day one, Bert was ready to join the art world! He is so calm and like … introspective. He’s been to dozens of openings, scores of art fairs in NYC, Miami, L.A. and the Hamptons even.” explained Kathy Grayson.
Lucky Doggie
And looking at his photos, you can see that the little Pomeranian loves the new world he lives in. He enjoys spending time with Kathy even if she is working or not. And after traveling far ans wide, Bert has gained a few new friends too. And soon after, he even became a mascot. Just keep on reading to see just what he had made of himself in the past few months…