Alive But Captive
These turtles would have to spend their entire life under the supervision of experts. Though they are still in captive unlike earlier, they are in safe hands are leading a quiet peaceful life. People have even developed a liking for them, thanks to a star found on their back. There are many people who are fond of turtle collection. Keeping these turtles as a pet is illegal in many countries.
Not Equipped For Wild
These turtles have to spend a large portion of heir life away from the wild. So sending them to the wild would be like handing them to trouble. This is true they hold the same instincts that turtles of wild do, theirs are less developed. They don’t know how to find themselves food and can easily become a victim of any predator.
Will Be Treated Better
These turtles have a way better life before them. Now they’ll be getting enough food and water. The researchers are very excited and are ready to go to any extent to keep them fit.
Make More Turtles
The first thing that the researchers have in mind is the breeding of more turtles. They are working hard to get them out of the list of endangered animals.
Going To Jail

The culprits have been sent to jail. Now they are going to get punished for their brutality. They have been given a long term sentence. This incident is a warning for those who indulge in such activities. Cruelty to animals only leads to devastation of oneself.