Smell From The Street
As they entered the house, a strong wave of that smell slapped them. It was very suffocating inside. Moreover, the smell was continuously spreading. Many team members began to feel dizzy. They placed a piece of cloth on their nose and hastily started searching for the source of the smell. It was clear by now that the operation was going to take a lot of time.
A Few Guesses
Everyone on the premises was curiosity-infused. Some of them even took a few guesses about what could be lurking in the house. However, Soary remained silent as she was working her mind to figure out the object. After a while, Soary made an assumption too. She said that the smell was coming out of an animal pee and fecal droppings. But was she right?
Animals Or Humans
By now, Soary had become sure that the house had animals trapped inside it. At the same time, she did not rule out the possibility of humans kept as captive. Furthermore, there was a group who believed that there were some dead people inside the house. These speculations got fanned by the desolated nature of the house. There had been a lot of stories about this house.
Prepared For The Worst
The cops and their team were all set for the worst. They knew it was going to be a hell of a journey. However, little did they know whatever preparation they were making was only going to be in vain. The worst was waiting for them.
Approaching The Home
The real investigation had begun. They had reached their destination: the house. They had expected the house to be all vacant but surprisingly it seemed some kind of activity was going inside. They heard noises. Though the noise was not loud, it was clear enough to figure out that there was someone too present on their property other than them.
Suspicious People
They soon found out where the noise was coming from. They indeed were not alone on the property. There were a few more people. The sight gave way to many questions. What were they doing there? It was getting even more puzzly minute by minute.