To be precise, the home was situated in Toliara. It falls to the southwest coast of Madagascar. This is a peaceful place. Neighbors co-exist peacefully and are always happy to help one another. Everyone there is cordial with each other. So it was quite difficult to believe for any possibility of foul play.
Environmental Agency
The woman gives her service to the environmental agency. She is very devoted to her work. If by any chance the home was occupied by animals then there was a lot to plan for the agency head. The Environmental Agency works with the aim of helping animals.
The Things They See
The agency who has been in service for a long time has witnessed a lot of crazy incidents that include animals. They have dealt with different animals with different temperaments. They have a good reputation for handling animals that are too scared or flighty. That is why the authorities turn to them whenever there is a case related to animals. The police called them this time too. However, they were not sure if they were required there or not.
This Was New
It was indeed an unbearable smell. As they inhaled the contaminated air, they realized that it was an odd smell that can’t be made. They tried to figure out what kind of smell was that but unfortunately couldn’t. Soary was all set to go inside and have a look at it by herself.
Unlike Anything They’d Seen
The smell did not hold any resemblance to any smell Soary and her team had come across. They had been called several times to look into strange smells. Those smell they would find usually were linked with faraway dumpsters or leaks. However, they always kept themselves prepared. But the question was if their preparation was enough for what they were going to stumble upon inside the house.
Arriving At The House
Strangely, the house looked all ordinary. The white painted house was large in size. There was nothing off about this house. It was almost impossible to make out that the house was holding a secret. There was pin drop silence around the house. It was surprising that the house so beautiful was still vacant. Why no one was residing inside it? They assumed that perhaps the house was on sale. But they were wrong.