Nothing There

The way people pointed towards the alley had alerted Michael. He prepared himself for the worst and stepped ahead. Surprisingly there was no one around. The alley was all silent. But then this silence was disrupted by the unknown.
Faint Sounds

The alley was weirdly silent. Michael was even able to hear the sound of his own footsteps. There was wind blowing and cicadas’ chirping. And as Michael stood still and paid attention to any other noise, he gets to hear some faint sounds that startled him. What were they?
A Cat?

The sounds were very low and barely audible. They were faint. But as far as Michael could recall they appeared to be of some cat meowing or something similar. Michael followed the sound and reached to the very corner of the alley. And the sounds were coming from a dumpster. And when he found the source of the sound he was petrified.