The Jig Is Up
Since she was not a clueless girl, Christine was able to immediately get a grant of an emergency Malaysian passport. However, things did not go as she planned because before she could dash out of the country undetected, the bank had already sent the police to come and hunt her down. How would you feel if you knew you were getting caught while living in a foreign country?
Even before she could do anything or attempt another escape, Christine had been caught. She was stopped by the police after just a few days. After doing an excessive amount of spending with someone else’s money, Christine was arrested in the May of 2015 at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport. She was caught as she tried to board a flight to Malaysia.
Just In Time
It was all about timing and she was just not fast enough. She almost made it out but the police got to her in time. She must have struggled a lot considering the amount of designer bags she had packed into her suitcase. The police now had to investigate and uncover the true extent of the damage Christine had committed. It was unfortunate but it was bound to happen…
Authentically Seized
The police did all that they could to hopefully get to the bottom of all this mess. She had spent loads of money all those months and they were about to get the shock of their lives from this college undergrad. While she was kept in the custody of the police, she was questioned and interrogated by the investigating officers. During this time, the police also went to Christine’s home.
Handbags For Days!
At Christine’s place, they found a number of designer gear that was appropriate for a queen. They were shocked by the number of bags they found inside. The police also realized that these bags were the real deal as the also found that they were accompanied by certificates of authenticity. Only authentic designer wear sold in showrooms and boutiques have these certificates in them.
Big Fat Problem
As soon as she was caught at the airport, Christine did not have any other choice but to just give in and admit to all that she had done. The senior banking officials took the culprit in the police custody and they were sure that she’d be dealt with properly. However, even after they seized her, there was yet another problem they had to deal with.