Fascinating Story

The story was so fascinating that it has been flashed on other social media pages. The comments were fabulous and the founder was being appreciated. Users bombarded the comment sections with comments like, “Better late than never” and “this is so cool! Not that they were stolen… but wow, what a find!”

A Whole Lot Of History

The wallets were not only important to the owners but also to the world as the wallets preserved not only memories but also the history. One of the Facebook users commented on the post “if family doesn’t claim [them], maybe the museum would.”

Best Wishes

It was not possible to track down the culprit since it had been seven decades. But, the owner could still be traced. Betty too hopes that her former classmates get their respective personal treasures and told CNN,  “I’m sure the other people whose wallets they found – hopefully they’re still alive – would be as excited as I am.”