More To It

Betty went on exploring her old treasure and got to see more photographs of different young men. Most probably, they were her crushes. The photographs invoked teenage vibes within her. She suddenly exclaimed,  “Oh my goodness! Look at the boys’ pictures I have. It’s quite a shock, and it’s really exciting to see these pictures.”


Disappointed Betty, could not find any hidden cash inside the wallet. In a joking way, she exclaimed, “They took all the money, huh?” Along with the pictures of her crushes, she found snaps of her family and friends as well. While going through the images, she found something that made her heart beat fast making her eyes full of tears.

Betty’s Hero

Betty, on reaching a special picture, lost her control over her emotions and let her tears flow like a river. The picture that she was holding was of her brother who meant a lot to her. Her beloved brother joined the army during World War II and probably passed away during the war. Betty expressed,  “I was just so glad to get that because I don’t have a picture of him.”

Another Surprise

For Betty, the wallet did not just bring happiness but came up as a sweet surprise to her. The elderly woman’s social security card was also among the personal treasures that the wallet recovered for Betty. The card was so important to her that she had been looking for it ever since it disappeared long ago in the 1940s.

The Theft Theory

Betty could never find the thief and at that time, she was not aware that the wallet was stolen. She thought that she lost it somewhere. Regarding Pastor Baltzell’s theft theory, she said, “I can’t imagine somebody stole all those wallets and put them behind the toilet in a space I didn’t even know was there.”

What Next?

Though Baltzell could not find other owners so far, his facebook post was being read by many people. He was glad that he was not alone. People were trying to find those ladies at their level best. One of the users provided obituaries for four of the women. Baltzell hoped that the remaining accessories reunite with their respective owners before its too late.