Back To Her!

On being aware of the relative, KSDK News took the responsibility to deliver the wallet. The Media received a green flag from Baltzell and they sent the reporters to Betty’s place along with the precious package. The news channel wanted to capture that priceless moment of reunion for their youtube channel.


As soon as the reporter met Betty, she handed a package to her saying, “so, the pastor wanted me to hand-deliver this to you.” The events were being recorded. Betty took the package which was nicely wrapped around a plastic covering and was trying to recall the specific item that was in there.


Betty never expected that she would get to see her lost wallet again ever. In an exhilarated tone, she said, “well, thank you, I’m so excited.” She unpacks the package and she finally could feel her stolen wallet. She said, “I can’t believe after all of these years that I’ve… It looks like it’s old.” Betty could still recognize that.

It Was Red!

On being asked about the wallet, Betty confidently told the reporter that, “I remember it was red.” With time, the red color faded to an orangy-brown color. Before she opened the wallet she stated, “And I remember I lost my wallet.” Her eyes were glittering the same way a child’s eyes do on getting a favorite toy!

Good Old Days

The obsolete wallet was damaged to the peripheral. The personal stuff inside the wallet was well preserved. Betty could identify everything that was present inside the wallet. A picture in black and white was kept in which a young girl was standing next to a boy. Betty informed the reporter that the girl standing in the picture was actually herself in her youth.

Little Secret

Betty relived her old days and revealed the reporter, “That’s me with a little boy by the name of Jimmy Kane, and I had a crush on him.” She added, “I must have been about in the third grade or fourth.” The picture came as a time travel for Betty. She could not believe that the photographs manage to survive seven long decades.