A Woman

Paul’s attention was caught by a woman standing at the end of the line they were waiting in. Paul had noticed her before too, many times. As soon as the cars would stop at the signal, she would come knocking at their windows to get some cash from people. Paul couldn’t help but feel sad for the woman. He couldn’t imagine living his life on the road, asking strangers for money.

He wondered if this is a sign that he should stop chasing his idea of a startup and stick to the stable paycheck he receives at the end of every month. Decision making has always been a complex concept to him. He is the most indecisive person he has ever known. Jake was much better in this regard, he always knew what he wanted in his life.

Paul’s track of thought came to an abrupt halt as he heard some commotion coming from the front of the line. His eyes caught the panhandler shoving her envelope to somebody’s car window, asking for pennies. Paul noticed that the man inside the car did not open the window, probably refusing to help the woman. But what happened next was something he did not see coming.

When she realized that the guy is not going to help her, the woman completely lost her cool. She began to verbally abuse the man inside the car. She took the envelope and shoved it to his window, rather aggressively. The woman was making a scene in the middle of the road. Jake and Paul exchanged uncomfortable glances.
Creating A Scene

They both have been seeing this woman quite frequently on their way to work almost every single day. But this is something odd. Why is she abusing a man for not helping her? The men saw as the woman continued to make a scene and yell at the man inside the car, without any care about people watching her.
Move On

The scene was cut short by the signal turning green. The cars slowly moved on, and so did the driver she was yelling at. The men watched as the woman went back to the side of the road, waiting for the next set of cars. Something about her behavior was striking to them as certainly unusual.