The Baby Wombat
Due to rain the baby wombat was stuck and was covered all in the mud. He could barely move due to swamp all around. The man took the baby wombat out of the muddy swamp and began to clean him. The man was no less than a knight in the shining armor. Who was this kind soul who approached for help to these wombats?
Wildlife Rescue South Coast
The man was a rescue worker at The Wildlife Rescue Centre in South Coast. WRSC is a large wildlife rescue group and is also a registered charitable organization who works on generosity and support. He has been a part of many rescue stories and had saved the lives of many such poor creatures. Even today, he offered a helping hand to this poor wombat family.
Treating The Wombats
The man bought the wombats to the rescue center and fed them with the much-needed food and water. He also treated them with various medicines. The condition of the mother wombat was quite critical. Even after providing with the needed help she would not show a much positive response. However, the baby wombat was lively and lied near her mother all the time. Suddenly the least expected happened.
The Unexpected
The condition of the mother wombat deteriorated day by day. The horse had kicked her hard on the head due to which her nervous system was not working properly. Even after operating her, the mother wombat could not survive. The departure of the elder wombat left the baby wombat in pain. He could not accept this fact. The way he reacted leaves the rescuers worried.
Seeming Lost
The baby wombat lost his vitality and vigor. He would be seen as depressed. The rescuers were worried as the baby wombat won’t eat nor would he play around. On reaching to him, the baby would step away. Not only do humans but the animal too lose the heart on such a separation. The rescuers knew he needs more of love and care.
New Friends
Since it was getting difficult for the baby wombat to survive alone the researchers shifted him with other baby wombats at the center. They thought he would mix up with them and would soon recover. But it seems that he did not appreciate this idea either. Rather he would often attack other wombats.