The Farm
There was a farm nearby where the wombats often showed up. Since there was plenty of livestock here, the wombats could easily satisfy their search of food hunt. That day also, just like any other day the momma wombat and the baby wombat passed by the place. What seemed to be a normal day soon turned out to be the life-changing one for this wombat family.
The Mishappening
While strolling around the farm, the mother wombat could smell the moist soil and run towards the spot. The baby wombat obediently followed his mother. While running towards the soil the elder wombat unintentionally scared a farm horse. The horse out of fear bonkers and unaware of the type of creature hastily kicked the mother wombat. The sight left the baby wombat in a state of shock.
Screaming In Pain
The momma wombat was screaming in pain. The horse had kicked her so bad that she could barely move and within seconds lost her conscious. She lay on the nearing fence and was totally motionless. The baby wombat could not understand what happened and was totally numb. He could not locate his mother and on the sight of the horse approaching, he too left the farm in search of his mom.
Searching For Momma
The little wombat was all lost and could not find his mom. He went to the outskirts of the farm in search of her. After searching for her, the little wombat could, at last, find her. Though he was scared to see her numb mom, he starts smelling and licking her. And what happens next was totally amazing.
Making A Move
Her baby’s call, make her move a little. The elder wombat was still in pain and she did not have enough energy to crawl back to the muddy burrow they were living in. The mother wombat was in much misery due to which even making a single move towards her place was getting challenging. To make the situation even worse it started raining and the family of wombats was all covered in mud.
Call For Help
Fortunately, a man around witnessed the entire situation and immediately put forward for help. He picked the mother wombat in his arms and caressed his back. He even calms her down by treating the spot where the horse kicked. But baby wombat was nowhere to be found. Where was he?