
Amy revealed to her Twitter family as she wrote, “Here’s the thing: My mother-in-law is extremely frugal”. “And I don’t mean she just enjoys a good bargain. To understand her, you have to know where she comes from…”

Poor Conditions

Amy’s mother-in-law had been really poor when she was young. She and her siblings would sneak into the kitchen just to eat match-heads. And that is something only malnourished kids would do in poverty. 

Always In Fear

Amy continued on twitter, “When you grow up with nothing, it stays with you. Forever, I think…No matter how much money you earn, there’s always that little fear in the back of your mind that someone might take it all away.”

Bargain Hunter

The mother-in-law has really been a bargain hunter and that has affected her attitude towards a lot of things in life. And very often, her habits of bargaining take a toll on her and the things she does are hilarious. 


Amy tweeted a lot of incidents where her mother-in-law has shown her bargaining skills and they have been really funny. She would take out olives from a Bloody Mary and then use them later for salads. And this is just one of the many such events. 

Extreme Saver

The mother-in-law would also carry a water bottle with her at all times and would refill it with the jug that the restaurants provide with. And when her family would ask her to stop doing it, she replies, “Why not? I’m paying for it”.