A Wise Advice
Nadya from her past experiences gives her children a very wise advice in life. She says, ” Maybe, at this point, I know and I need to teach my children that we need to learn, we need to grow, we need to keep on growing and transcending, and we need to make the best possible choices. And when we make poor choices, all you can do is really, really learn from that and grow from that. Try not to repeat it.”
She is giving her children the freedom to make their varied choices and learn something out of them. That’s a pretty cool advice mom.
Amerah Solomon
In this image what you see is Nadya (on right) and her eldest daughter, Amerah Solomon. Nadya posted this picture of her’s on Amerah’s last birthday. She captions the image with a heart-melting message. A message which makes everyone question that whether all of us were judging Nadya from the eyes of media?
The Caption
The caption read, “Dear Amerah, One of the most important lessons I try to teach you all is that every person that crosses your path is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, compassionate, and patient with people always; and aware that sometimes the brighter the smile the deeper the suffering. By looking at your beautiful smile no one could imagine the struggle you face, that we all face, daily…”
This was a touching one and generated sympathy as well.
A Hope
Nadya has made many public appearances in her life. Though initially, they were quite fast, with time it even declined. She has been trying hard to shed away the image of the infamous Octomom, but she has not been very successful yet. People continue to judge her for bringing so many lives into existence and into the state of hunger. All one can hope is that people begin looking at her as a human who wasn’t selfish but the one who genuinely loves kids!