The Vegan Lifestyle
Her octuplets and she follow a vegan diet now. However, her other six children are omnivores. They survive only on plant-based foods and don’t consume any sort of dairy products. They are healthy and fit beings who are too energetic for everything. They have incorporated a healthy lifestyle into their routines.
The Fitness Regime
To maintain her public image Nadya follows a strict fitness regime. When she was young and had no kids, she was quite healthy. But after being the part of the glam and adult world she has shed weight to ensure that the little clean image she has still persisted. Now, she does everything to be in front of the camera for a good reason.
Why No Partner
Nadya never wanted a partner in life. But, why? When she was having a tough time in bringing up her children she said that she never wanted a partner. She could easily look after her 14 children. Nadya wanted to be a “mom”. She craved for the feeling of belongingness which her children could easily fulfill. She desired attachment in life and no significant other could provide it better than what these children were.
More Children?
When someone asked Nadya about her plans for having more children, she laughs at it now. She calls it to be the farthest thing she could even imagine now. She is no longer having the plans of producing more hands and legs, but she will all her life provide her children with emotional and psychological needs. This statement of hers undoubtedly tells how hard time she has had in growing her 14 children.
The Book
Nadya plans on getting her book published. Her son had inspired her to write one. The one who was suffering from autism inspired her to write that. The book talks about the challenges of growing a child with a disability. She says that though the book wasn’t a memoir, her children had made it all and more interesting. She believes her book will not only inspire other women but it will also strengthen their hopes of fighting the challenges in life…
Any Regrets
In an interview, someone asked Nadya, “if she has any regrets in life”? Her answer to it was the most surprising one. She says that she doesn’t regret having as many as 14 children, but, yes, she does regret her choices and decisions in life. She says, ” I was very foolish, immature and selfish to have 14 children, and didn’t really think through the consequences. I was on a mission. I just wanted to have a bunch of kids. But I couldn’t imagine my life at this point in time any different than it is”.