Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself? Have you ever looked in the mirror and saw something about your appearance that you really want to fix? Well, here is an inspiring couple that made a turnaround in their life, a decision to live a healthier, more conscious lifestyle than the one they led. Read about Lexi and Danny’s amazing journey to stay fit and happy.

Early Days

Lexi Reed had always been struggling with her weight ever since she was a little girl. Even though she faced certain problems with her weight, she did not let that weigh her down and stayed a very outgoing and sociable person. She had tried countless health regimen and exercises to put the weight off but it would eventually creep back. It started to feel like she was just not meant to lose weight.

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Problems Arise

When Lexi turned 25 years old, she had already weighed around 392 pounds. The amount of weight she had put on was starting to affect her well-being as it was starting to affect her health. Lexi had always been a positive and cheerful person who always saw that best in life, but her weight problem was starting to become a nuisance. It was obstructing her from achieving her life goals. Even with her weight problems slowly seeping in, Lexi maintained her outgoing nature and was still a very positive human being. She soon met the love of her life, Danny Reed. Lexi explains the type of bond that she and Danny have, saying that he has been her best friend for 10 years. Danny loved Lexi because of who she is and not just for her physical appearance.

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Danny’s Unhealthy Lifestyle


These two were the perfect match for each other and they loved each other dearly. However, there was a huge problem that this couple has. They were both leading a very unhealthy lifestyle. Even Danny did not eat healthily and was also living a life without any cautions about his well being. He was a little too similar to Lexi in that aspect which caused problems for the two. So the two of them became overweight. Danny was just a few years elder to his darling girlfriend Lexi and was also weighing about 280 pounds. He was in a very bad shape and it was starting to cause problems in his health. The two shared a love for food that was way too indulgent and it was bloating them up, which would eventually cause health risks in the future.

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A Change of Heart

“At first the idea didn’t sound great because it was always good going home, sitting down, eating and not having to worry about anything,” Danny confessed. However, he could not let Lexi make this decision and be on her own. “It’s a new year and something to work toward while helping Lexi out as well,” Danny later exclaimed. He was sure this would benefit them both. So after being informed about their New Year’s resolution, their friends had a bet with the couple. There were a few rules Danny and Lexi would have to abide by: “no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.” Lexi and Danny would have to try really hard to stick to their resolution as all of there were something completely new.

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Enough is Enough

“We were fed up with the life that we were living and all the things that we weren’t able to do together as a couple,” Lexi promised herself. She wanted to do the cliched romantic things that she was unable to do because of their weight. “We also feared if we didn’t get our health under control, we would never be able to start a family,” Lexi explained, wanting to start a more balanced lifestyle. Lexi and Danny both signed up at a gym in Terre Haute, Indiana. Even though it was a tough routine to follow, Lexi kept her end of the bargain, exercising 30 minutes every 5 days. Without a trainer, the two of them struggled but tried hard to keep their promise. Lexi was facing a few issues because she had joint pain due to the weight she had on herself for so long.

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Not A Diet

To them, this new step was not just about food but life in general. Lexi felt like food was just a portion of the new life she wanted to live. Lexi soon found ways to enjoy healthy food and not just stick to the diet that helped her in losing weight. “I started taking the foods I loved and making healthier versions so I no longer felt like I had to give up something or deprive [myself],” Lexi expressed. Being regular at the gym and maintaining a healthy diet is not a joke. It was nice for Lexi to have the full support of her dear husband. We all know that one needs to have a strong support system to achieve anything remarkable in life. Danny and Lexi have the perk of being each other’s support system. They were doing well and sticking to their routine for a whole month. Then something amazing happened…

Weight Loss