Maybe That’s True
Nordsveen shared one of his rarest finds over his Instagram handle. Surprisingly, this discovery caught much attention. Mads’s following raised like anything. His account received likes like a skyrocket which had just touched heights. Maybe, the animal did act as a good luck charm for him. But, his ever curious instinct made him do something more.
Living A Dream
Mads later shared his experience and said that the whole scene appeared as if he was living one of those Norse folktales in real. The protagonist climbs up the mountains, smells some danger and suddenly stumbles upon the unbelievable. To him, it was a dream that he luckily lived.
Finding Out
Mads managed to take some shots of this divine creature right before it ran away. Mads sighed a deep breath. He feels really fortunate to have had a glimpse of this unworldly creature. However, he wanted to know more about it and decides to send a few snapshots to an animal expert who could brush his knowledge about the same.
White Reindeer
Mads was really young and being a travel blogger he had very limited knowledge about the animal species. The animal expert told Mads that this charming creature is nothing but a reindeer. However, one thing made this reindeer an exceptional find.
Exceptional Find
Reindeers are native to the snow land, but a complete white reindeer is one of the rarest breeds one could ever come across. And certainly, Mads was one of those lucky ones who got to witness such a majestic animal from so close. Moreover, it is not an albino animal.
Albino Animal
For many of us who don’t know what an albino is, it is an animal species that lack the color pigments in the body leading to a white fur or mane with pink scales on them. Reindeers are naturally non-albino ones, so finding a white one was a rare possibility.