Ignored But
Initially, Mads ignored those sounds. He thought maybe he is hallucinating or something. But after a few minutes, he heard some sounds yet again. They seem to be as of two things sliding against each other. Mads got attentive and carefully heard them. The very next moment he was taken aback.
Mads recalls that it was extremely cold and there was barely anyone to be found near him. He was a little scared as the place was really desolate. He turns back to locate the source of the noise. Unfortunately, his worst fears were appearing to come true.
An Avalanche?
He had this horrible thought coming to him that these sounds could reportedly be of an avalanche. And if it comes out to be true, he needs to just abandon this place. He decided to follow the sound and by doing so he realizes the unexpected.
An Animal?
On following the sound and paying close attention to it, Mads realized that the sounds were not from an approaching avalanche as they are very sharp and loud ones. This was some light sounds, like that of an animal nibbling or maybe braying. Mads followed the noises and found something breath-taking.
What’s this?
Mads saw some shadow falling from behind the white snow trees. His heart was beating fast. He knew often bears reside in the white woods, and he wasn’t sure if they would harm him. As the shadows started moving closer, he was sure that it was some beast that was making those noises. But was it a bear he was not sure. Soon only his doubts cleared…
It Is Something Different
With a pounding heart Mads went near the shadow and when he finally came face to face with the creature, he was stunned. What he was anticipating to be a bear was everything but a bear. It was different. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but it was just beautiful.