A baby is believed to lighten up the life of a couple. A baby fulfills the dream of a couple of turning into proud parents. Two individuals are happy with each other but are happiest when they have a family that they could call their own. The feelings that a to-be parent goes through are tough to be expressed in words as they are the emotions so pure and blissful that they could only be felt. Parents of kids would know what it is to experience the joy of parenthood.
When everything seems to be beautiful about the birth of a baby, there was a dark side that a family from Moldova had to face after their daughter was born. The way the newborn would behave bothered the couple. And when years later, a neighbor steps into their lives, everything changed forever. The baby, the parents, their family all ended up being in a quagmire.
A Bond
We often define “Love at first sight” as an occurrence which is true just because from the very day a baby is born he/she falls in love with their mother. There is no love like that of a mother’s love. Her selfless care and love towards her baby are what makes this bond stronger. But, when a woman from Moldova delivered her daughter, something seemed off.
An Instant Connection
Scientifically, a baby and the mother connect to each other in an instant due to the production of various hormones that release as the woman undergoes labor. A hormone called “oxytocin” is solely responsible for the growing motherly instincts in a woman during her months of pregnancy. Even the newborn infant feels attached to her/his mother due to this particular hormone, the second he/she steps into this world.
Her Fragrance
It is said that a child is able to recognize his/her mother’s fragrance. And not just this, but the mother’s voice is also something a child is able to differentiate from the rest much before it is born. For all those nine months when a baby is growing inside his/her mother’s womb this bonding develops. But when their daughter was born, she would behave strangely which soon turned into a cause of worry for the family.
Within seconds after a baby is born, she is placed next to her mother as he can only recognize her through her senses and is able to adapt to the outside world via her warmth, love, and care. Surprisingly, their daughter would just cry. This leaves the couple completely baffled.
Happy, Not Happy
It was in the month of March 1978 that Vera Lashtur and her husband Nikolay gave birth to a little princess, a baby girl. The couple was ecstatic. Their happiness knew no boundaries. They were already proud parents of a boy and with a princess’ birth, they thought their family was complete. Though everything was fine superficially, soon Vera could sense that something was weird. But what?
The Story Unknown
When everyone hoped that bringing their daughter home would be a happy and a magical moment for Vera and Nikolay, it wasn’t anything close to it. At the very early stage itself, Vera felt a strange and a weird disconnect from her own daughter. Little did she know that this initial discomfort with her newborn would later unwrap a story none could ever think of.