Like most conditions, the symptoms of non-diabetic hypoglycemia can vary but depend on how low your blood sugar is. The most common symptoms include hunger, shakiness, anxiety, sweating, pale skin, fast or irregular heartbeat, sleepiness, and dizziness.
Severe symptoms will have you feeling intense confusion, will blur your vision, leave you passed out, make you lose your consciousness or give your seizures.
The Diagnosis
The diagnosis of non-diabetic hypoglycemia is quite complicated. The doctors would need to do a physical exam and inquire about your medical history. This basically means there will be questions about your health history, medicines you have taken, surgeries and more. The blood glucose level will be checked to see if your levels have reduced or not after each appointment.
The MMTT Test
If you suspect that you might have hypoglycemic, do not wait for the symptoms to worsen, act quickly. There is a common test that most people take for this condition known as a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT). You will have to drink a special juice made to raise the levels of your blood glucose. The doctors will then run tests regarding your glucose levels.
Here are food items that are beneficial for people living with hypoglycemia who need to take note and be cautious about what they consume…
If you are not aware that vegetables are crucial in your meal, there is something terribly wrong with you. If you eat low-carb veggies such as mushrooms, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, Brussels sprouts, and zucchini, you will see great results. If you need a little extra flavor, pair them with hummus, guacamole, and salsa, or make use of seasonings.
If you have not added kale, spinach, and chard in your diet, then do that quickly. These low-carb leaves are healthy and nice to snack on. Kale leaves in olive oil when baked makes really delicious chips. You can always pair your leafy greens with protein-rich food items like salmon. Just make sure you consume a lot of them so that you get better and quicker results.
The Drinks
Water is a necessity for all of us and yes, drinking plenty of it helps in treating a lot of health issues you might face. If you get bored with just plain water, add some flavor by putting in slices of lemon or maybe cucumber. Cold tea made with lemon or a cinnamon stick is another very healthy drink. “Not only are these beverages low-carb, they can also help fill you up so you don’t crave other foods,” Maggie Powers, Ph.D., president-elect of Health Care & Education at the American Diabetes Association explains.