Not As Planned
The Canadian environmentalist dropped the plan but something unplanned happened. There is no knowing how but it is believed that somehow the boat got loose and started going with the current itself. There was no one on board. But what about that message in it?
The boat was probably let loose by a storm or a strong current or it just accidentally got detached but as fate would have it the boat as if knowing its purpose sailed all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and was found on the Irish coast, fulfilling its purpose. That is when the message on the boat was found.
The Message
From the Canadian island of Newfoundland, the boat traveled over 20,000 miles to be found at the Irish coast near County Mayo. You might be wondering what the complete message read. This is how it went- “I, Rick Small, donate this structure to a homeless youth. To give them a better life that Newfoundlanders choose not to do! No Rent, no mortgage, no hydro.” But what did it mean?
Another Purpose
There is no knowing how the ship made its way to Ireland on its own, unharmed but the message inside makes it clear that Small purposed it for a homeless person. As an environmentalist, he is always sensitive towards the needs of his fellow humans.
The Idea
Small was not going to travel in the ship himself he thought of donating it to someone in need of shelter. The boat was big enough to become a small home. A ship sailing itself for thousands of miles was bound to make it to the world news and it sure did.
The Project
The story is cute and inspiring. Not only did Rick manage to achieve his goal of taking the ship across the Atlantic, he was generous enough to donate it. His kind-hearted act won many hearts but there were things about Rick Small that many people did not know.