Telling Her Dad
Since she made sure to box the uniform carefully, Kulczycki’s daughter was able to get her dad’s war uniform. She graciously accepted the uniform from Dabros and the museum. She was so happy that her father’s life as a soldier and the memory that he had left could now in a way, be experienced by her. She could not wait to break the news to her father.
He Wore Them Again
So when Dabros went to the Kulczycki’s residence, and his daughter received the uniform of her dad, it was truly an emotional moment for her. She could wait no longer and called upon her father to break the awesome news to him. She sat him down and informed her 106 year old dad that his old military uniform had reached its way to them. Kulczycki then wore the uniform which gave him flashes of the past.
What Happened Then?
To be over 100 years old and put on the uniform that you had worn during World War 2, 70 years ago that day must have been quite a moment for Kulczycki. His daughter later explained to the interviewers, “We put the jacket and the hat on him and it still kind of fit, it was a little snug fit. He smiled and he seemed to have some recognition of some of the items and photos.”
A Few Weeks Later
So the uniform that had been worn by one of the World War 2 soldiers could finally be donned on once again by its rightful owner. For the museum to not have kept it was something that made much more sense. They were able to gift Kulczycki his uniform and not just put it up as an attraction at the museum. Unfortunately, the former Polish soldier expired on May 3rd, a few weeks after he received his uniform.
A Chance To Reminisce
Even though Kulczycki did not live so long after the day he got his uniform back, it was so special that he could wear what he fought bravely in years ago. It was nice of the museum to put an effort into letting him get back a glimpse of his past and his former life as a war veteran. The museum has also made a point to spread his amazing story for visitors to learn and be inspired by.
Returning The Uniform
Even though her dad got the rightful chance to get to wear his uniform one last time before he passed away, Kulczycki’s daughter knew that after he died, it had to go back. She knew that it was such a precious item for the museum to spread awareness and information about the war time. So what did she do? She decided to return it for them to put it on display.