The Nazis Got Closer
So far, Elisabeth’s family was living safely but right after the distressing news, the war reached to Elisabeth’s city as well. The Nazis were against all the non-Aryan population and there was no way for anyone to cross the borders and reach to a safer place. People were caught inside their own houses where they waited for the German soldiers to knock at their doors and take them to their camps.
Moving Into Hiding
With no way to escape left, some ran towards the woods, some died raising their voices and some like Elisabeth moved into hiding with their families. Elisabeth was not yet settled with her beloved’s loss and she had to live frightfully with her family in a tiny suffocating area.
The hiding plan too had failed within a week’s time as the information of their location was leaked and they were arrested by the Gestapo.
Separated From All
Elisabeth was separated from the rest of her family members and was taken to a forced labor camp in Kassel, central Germany. Nobody knows whether any one of her family members or friends managed to survive or not. The moment when everyone was asked to get down and stand in two queues, Elisabeth knew this will decide whether she’ll live or not.
The Forced Labor Camps
The words were already out, and everyone was talking about the terrible and scary stories of these concentration and labor camps. Sooner or later, all met the same dreadful end. There were countable numbers of survivors of this war and uncountable lives were lost. Elisabeth too thought this was the end of her…
Passing The Fitness Test
As soon as Elisabeth stood in the queue, she could hear people talking that they will be selected by the so-called physicians if they are fit enough to work or else they’ll be sent to Auschwitz to the infamous gas chambers. Elisabeth was sent to the labor camp but she wasn’t happy to be alive anymore as there was no reason left for her to live.
Falling Ill
Within a few weeks of living in the forced labor camp, Elisabeth falls ill. That’s when she understood the possibility of her being pregnant. There were these extremely tiny and filthy care centers where Elisabeth got the confirmation to her doubt. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel good about it for even a moment.