A Foster Mother
As the lady left, Lindsay, in her head remembered the conversation they had while standing in the queue. Standing there, Lindsay asked the lady whether the kids were “foster or adopted?” The reply she got mesmerized her. The lady stated, “I have nine kiddos,” adding that two of them were biological.
High Time
As the lady left Walmart, Lindsay thought that to be high time to teach those people a good lesson. She gathered all the courage to uphold her bossy image and to knock the couple down for what they did. Before going, she recalled all the nasty comments they gave, brewing up her anger.
Awful Remarks
Lindsay started recalling the awful comments such as “how many baby daddies do you think she has?” Not only this, then the rich couple added, “can’t even dress those kids for weather. Just wait until she whips out the food stamps.” This was not all, the couple surpassed the level of indecency and in an indocile manner, they added more to it.
Not Ashamed
Lindsay recalled while the young mother was struggling with her food stamps, the rich couple again poked their noses and commented, “there’s our tax dollars neatly at work.” The couple was unaware of the fact that the lady was an epitome of kindness, in fact, the couple in their most unkind way kept on commenting from behind.
Spoke Out
Lindsay Rae after her recapitulation turned her eyes towards the rich couple and confidently ranted, “Those children? They lost the right to live with their parents just days ago, those clothes? Probably the only clothes they own or got to leave their home with.” Lindsay’s voice cracked while speaking, but she did not stop.
Taking Her Stand
She could not wait to tell that couple that she fostered the children, on which basis she was being judged, therefore she added, “that woman? Opened her home to kids, kids that needed a safe place to go, when the one they lived in no longer proved safe enough or secure enough for them.”