The Couple
The couple was all well dressed, which indicated that they belonged to a respectable section of the society. Then too, they denigrate people around them. She felt utterly taken aback. In her mind, she planned to answer back the couple and tell them where exactly they were wrong.
Lindsay did nothing but clenched her fist so that so could control herself from creating a mess out of her anger. She acted natural and let the couple continue their odd talks. Her heart sank when she heard those insensitive remarks. All she could do at that time was to wait for the right time.
The Talk
Lindsay was unaware of the person about whom the couple was making a fuss. She peeped through the crowd to have a glimpse of the person and ended up being more furious on the couple. Through the crowd, she could see a mother struggling to shop with her children.
The lady surely suffered from an inferiority complex. She could not even place the things back properly as she saw the crowd. She tried to escape from the area where she sensed a throng of people. Little did she know somebody was noticing her actions.
Lindsay truly understood what that lady was going through. She wanted to help her and tell her that she was not alone. For Lindsay, the lady was no less than a superhero as it is a grueling job to handle kids. She was doing extremely well in that and to add on, the lady was blessed with nine kids.
Immense Respect
Though Lindsay had no conversation with the lady, she developed a sense of respect for the lady. Lindsay thought her to be a superwoman that she was dealing with her adversity in the most effective manner. No matter how much the lady tried to hide her awkwardness, she was determined to shop for her kids and this made Lindsay’s heart melt.