Actions Taken

The company took the matters in its hand and did an investigation on its ground level and stated that there was no illegal labor involved. But if that was the case why would an employee put such a note, it seemed like the truth was hidden in the dark , struggling to come out.

Fear Of Bad Reputation

As the case had become more sensitive and everyone’s eyes were on it. The company couldn’t just run away from its responsibilities and the claims that the company was indeed creating a bad reputation in the market.


Looking into the matter when they saw a wrong image was being portrayed out in the media they realized a press statement in response to the mothers’ inquiry to clarify the allegations that were put upon them.

Press Release

The press note stated that PMP Recruitment employs over 100,000 people across a range of clients, many of whom have stayed with us for a number of years or return each year during our peak trading period, so we do not recognize the comment made as being an accurate or fair representation of the employee experience we provide.”

 No Complaint Received

PMP further added that there various channels and mediums provided to the employees so that their concerns can be raised which also includes certain confidential helplines to raise queries and concerns about their work environment and yet they haven’t received any complaints but they are taking the note seriously and will investigate on the invoice in coordination with Amazon.


Though several official statements have been given against the working environment of the company, a number of workers had also told their stories anonymously while there were certain people who took social platforms to raise there voice.