Emotional Shift

Shift of Emotions

The Top of the World community as a whole had been traumatized for about 22 hours. They could all breathe once again after learning about his rescue. Since little Kaydon in a way represented each and every one of their kids, they could all empathize with his parents. The amount of relief that everybody felt was almost tangible. Kaydon being found was indeed a prayer of theirs that was answered.

A Gratified Sheriff

Thankful Sherrif

The sheriff had been a very important person in this search for the boy. He told the local TV and expressed with emotion, “I want to thank all these men and women who spent the last 20 something hours out here in the dark, the cold, and the rain,” he added, “We had the FBI, TBI, Blount County Sheriff’s Department, Blount County Fire Department, Blount County Rescue Squad. It was a team effort and we couldn’t have done it without the help.” 

Chula The Hero

Chula the Hero Dog

The sheriff announced his gratitude to the deputy officer, Daniel Self because he helped Chula the dog. He was the one who quickly gave the pup water and some food. People were all happy to see that Chula was right there next to his master while he had to stay outside in the night while being looked for by his whole community. The bond between them proved to so strong and Chula was indeed a hero.

A Happy Day

Happy Rescue Team

The Top of the World community in Tennessee was overjoyed and in a celebratory mood when they found that Kaydon was found that fateful Tuesday afternoon. It was indeed the best news that they could have hoped for. It was truly something that everyone in the community had wished for so obviously they all joined in the happiness.