Finally Safe
The people looking for the boy suddenly spotted Kaydon after following the source of the growl in the woods. They found him at about just over a mile’s distance from his home. Just as they suspected, he had not wandered too far from their house. He must have been traumatized to the point where he was unable to move. He was not actually alone to everyone’s surprise!
His Guardian Angel
Kaydon Leach after an extensive search was finally spotted at 3:30 p.m., which was around 22 hours since he had been pronounced missing. It turns out, the loud growl was actually his pet terrier, the faithful Chula. “The dog growled at the rescuers when they approached Kaydon, so the dog is a protector,” revealed BCSO Chief Deputy Jeff French. He was truly a guardian angel who was there for little Kaydon.
The Risks
Kaydon did not look to be his best self during the time he got discovered. He had to be questioned as to how he felt. He just answered, “Very cold.” Since he had on him gray sweatpants and a black T-shirt, his skin had gone very cold. The cold night was too much to bear for him. They asked the boy where he was from just to be sure. He gave them his address and then took him back. He and his pup both needed medical attention quickly.
Not Over Just Yet
The people who ended up finding Kaydon felt that it would be wiser to take him to the Blount Memorial Hospital for an immediate medical checkup. They had to be certain he was not suffering from hypothermia or health issues. His family was so glad to learn that little Kaydon was alright, that they could finally be together once again. His mom and dad were shocked that Chula had become such a faithful dog.
The Gratitude
His family finally gave out a public statement after their precious boy found his way back home once again. They did not disclose any information about his medical health but were quick to give praise and thanks to the rescue teams and local volunteers. “We’re so thankful to everyone, from local law enforcement agencies to volunteers, who helped us find Kaydon. The amount of support we have received has been tremendous, even from people we don’t even know. We appreciate all our friends and neighbors, and ask for privacy at this time,” his Kaydon’s parents expressed.
Online Celebration
Since social media played a part in the search, it was only right that the celebration took place there too. “So glad he was found safe,” was a comment on Facebook. One other well-wisher wrote the he “had the little guy on my mind since I found out he was lost. Something he can tell his grandkids, thank God.” They were wall glad to learn about the fact the little Kaydon was with Chula all along too…