
The press people have titled the officers as heroes. Their commanding officer, Maj. Sung Kim said their heroic men’s actions were “reflective of the courage and commitment they embody.” The officers still are humble and think that they just followed their instincts and did what they are trained for.

His Duty

“What are you supposed to do? That’s what we’re trained to do. I can’t sit here and let it happen,” claimed the officer. However, their commanding officer gave them enough credit: “[They] set a great example for their fellow Marines, and especially for the young poolees who are studying to learn what it means to be a Marine. Their response reminds all Marines that we have a responsibility to always do the right thing, regardless of whether or not anyone is watching.”

Unlucky Criminals

“It’s what we do. From the beginning, what we’re taught in boot camp, it’s a part of us,” the officer said in an interview. Their partner agreed and said, “It’s really what I’m trained to do, be it recruiting, be it that; my job is to protect the United States public.” We just hope that people like these officers pop up every time on the crime scene to save innocent people like Ethel and be their real-life heroes.