Doubts Aplenty
One of Bethani’s main concerns about her pregnancy was, of course, how was she going to handle four children at once. Bethani said she knew how expensive it was to raise just one child, let alone having to raise four at once. “We definitely had enough love to give to all four of them, but I was just very worried about how we were going to afford four babies with everything they need.” It was definitely going to be a costly venture for the newlywed couple. She wasn’t sure how she and Tim were going to manage.
Good News
The Christmas of 2015 had proven really surprising for them. Bethani said “This was not the Christmas news I was hoping for. I definitely had some panic attacks from it.” Bethani had no inkling that it was just the beginning of rollercoaster that she had hoped on and a lot surprising thing was yet to come.
Starting From Zero
This big development was going to bring big changes in their lives. Bethani explained, “I realized that we did not have a vehicle that could support four babies,” she added “We were good until that four number kicked in and then we were not prepared at all.” They needed an SUV for their new family.
Change Is Required
The duo had planned to put up in a one bedroom apartment until they save enough money to buy themselves a bigger apartment. But now as it turned out that they are going to parent four kids, they needed to move out of their current house. So, they thought of shifting to Tim’s mother’s house for a while.
Planning In Advance
They also planned as how many diapers will they need in a day for their daughters. After much pondering and wondering they concluded that they would be needing about 12 diapers for each daughter that makes up to 48 diapers a day. The responsibility of changing diapers was going to fall upon Bethani as Tim is not quite good with that. He admitted, “I can’t change diapers.”
Duties Increased Multifold
Just imagine how difficult was it going to be for the first time mom Bethani. It was not only about diapers, they needed a crib, wipes, a car seat, a stroller or clothes in a way more amount than usual parents. Bethani explained, “Buying diapers and formula is going to be the most expensive part of the situation for us right now.” A formula full of one can is worth of $20 and if we go by general estimation one baby needs around 16 cans each month.