Having quads is usually a rare occurrence. In 2007, the birth of about only 3500 quads was reported worldwide. Bethani was one of them now. She reminisced, “I am definitely glad that I was laying down when they gave me the news because I literally could not believe that there were four in there.”
Rare Occurrence
She stated, “I just thought there had to be some kind of mistake…” She was told by her nurse that it is a case that occurs once in 67 million. Bethani continued “I am still waiting for it to sink in.” Bethani still could not believe that.
Letting Family Know
Now the only thing left was to let their family know about it. No need to say, their family was as shocked as were they. In fact, they took it as a joke initially. Vera Webb, sister of Tim outrightly refused to accept what they said and expressed her doubts. She exclaimed, “Are you kidding me? You must be kidding me, Tim.” However, there was no fault of Vera in it as Tim has always been a prankster.
Coming from a middle-class family, Tim got a bit wary about it. He had no idea how was he going to meet all the needs of quadruplets. Firstly, Bethani’s pregnancy came as a surprise and secondly, he had to look after not one but four babies at one time. This notion no doubt gave him goosebumps! In case I forgot to mention, the biggest surprise was yet to knock on their door. A mindblowing fact got revealed to them when Bethani delivered those tiny angels.
The Would-Be Mother
As far as Bethani is concerned, she was on the cloud nine after hearing the good news. However, just like her husband, she too got bothered by the number of children, the pair had to take care of. Bethani explains, “we definitely had enough love to give to all four of them, but I was just very worried about how we were going to afford four babies with everything they need.” After all, it was not about one but four children. Moreover, this was her first time.
Mixed Feelings
Meanwhile, the duo continued planning for their children. It was a mixed feeling for both whereas at one side they were happy about it on the other side they were little worried about raising them properly. However, they continued waiting for that eventful day. Finally, the moment arrived! and it was not alone, it had brought a hell of surprises for them that they had not expected ever.