No Lead
Despite all their endeavors, they could not get any breakthrough. There were no sign and no lead. It seemed as if this case too was going to slip into one of the dark tunnels of time. Days changed into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, the man remained untraced. In a snap, seven years flew by and the case still stood unsolved. Was it the end? An incomplete end of his story? No, there was more to it………….
Gone For Good?
Though his family was still trying to locate him, they had made terms with the fact that perhaps they would never be able to see their son. However, life has its own way of surprising people. Just when his family was about to give up, a breakthrough happened in his case. The breakthrough was an astounding one. A big surprise was awaiting Carney’s parents.
Back in Sight
After seven years of investigation, prayers, and efforts, officers eventually managed to trace Carney. The news was broken by Tri-Boro Patch, a New Jersey news site. The site had fetched Captain Jeffrey Paul’s statement on the issue. Paul issued the statement from the side of Robert Bianchi, Morris County Prosecutor.
Where Is He?
The arduous journey that began on September 28, 2004, had finally reached its end. As Paul puts it, “Mr. Carney was reported missing on September 28, 2004.” He continued, “He was subsequently located on September 23, 2011, and as a result was cleared from the missing person’s database. Mr. Carney was found alive and well but did not wish to disclose his whereabouts.”
Burning Questions
Now the question was how did he go missing? And as he was alive and in good health why did he not contact his family? Carney did not disclose where he was staying. His family, on the other hand, held an organization or a person responsible for his strange behavior. They suspected that their son was under the influence of someone who was not letting him make contact with his family.
Controlled By Church
They believed that Carney was controlled by a church that also had links with the road where his car was discovered. The founder of the Kristen Foundation and mother of Modafferi, Joan Petruski revealed to Tri-Boro Patch that his family had suspicion on a religious body named Gospel Outreach. For those who don’t know the leader of this Christian group is pastor Jim Lethbridge who previously has been accused of illegally inducting members from families. There was more to it……