Searching The Database

The police went around and browsed their database in an attempt to find pictures of men that resembled the culprit. It was a tedious process because the description given to them was not too precise and there were dozens of people who fit the description given to them by the eyewitnesses. But they knew, it is a start.
Vast Collection

After months and months of searching and collecting data and photographs, the police finally had a list of suspects along with their pictures. They had tried to narrow it down to a few dozen but they were still a lot of photographs. They needed somebody who could be more precise and identify the man to narrow it down even further for them.
The Driver

During their investigation, the officials managed to track down the driver of the car in which the culprit reached the crime scene. On interrogating the driver, he explained that he did not know the man well enough to even know his name. Regardless of the unfamiliarity, the police asked the boy to come down t0 the station and identify the man through a set of pictures.
Identifying The Culprit
The vast collection of photographs of the suspects was spread out on a table and the boy was asked to sit in front of it and take his time. The boy sat down and began to browse the pictures. His memory was slightly foggy since it has so many months since the incident took place. But after what seemed like hours, he pointed his finger to one photo.
Richard Jones

The man whose photograph the driver pointed out goes by the name Richard Jones, a 25-year-old married man. The police immediately ran his name through their system to retrieve his details. They came to know his house is in Missouri, Kansas City. And finally, in April 2000, almost a year after the incident, they made an arrest.

The police called in the group of eyewitnesses next. They took out his photo and grouped it with a couple more pictures. Then they asked the witnesses to point out the man who looked just like the culprit. All of the witnesses took out Jones’ photograph from the stack and recognized him as the culprit.