The Plan

The lads in the car assumed that he has the extra cash on him but the man had some different plans altogether. He spotted a woman walking towards their car. He suspected her car must be the one they are parked next to. And before the trio could even fathom what is happening, the man got out of the car and commenced his attempt to steal her purse.
Mugging The Woman

The trio exchanged a bewildered look with each other. And the alarming part was that the woman was putting up a fight and the man was still not letting go of the purse. People were catching up to the scene now and the boys did not want anything to do with this. So the driver stomped on the gas pedal and raced his car out of the parking lot, leaving the man behind.
Getting Away

When the man noticed that people were running towards them, he somehow managed to snatch her cellphone and escape the scene. The woman tried to get a glimpse of his face hidden behind the hood of his jacket, but she could barely make out his features. She ran inside Walmart and called the authorities.
No Clue

The sirens from the Police cars echoed in the Walmart parking lot. The woman was being interrogated about the incident by a team of officers. Unfortunately, she could not describe the man in precise details because she could not catch a clear view of his face. And since her car was parked away from the Walmart entrance, the security camera did not catch his face either.
Investigating The Case

Despite getting no particular details about the man, the police began their investigation of the case. They began to compile the elements of his appearance from the eyewitnesses to create a criminal profile. According to the witnesses, the culprit is a man with thin built and has a head of dark hair.
Inconsistent Description

Even though the officials found a bunch of eyewitnesses, the description of his race had a few discrepancies. Some claimed he is a black man with light skin, others claimed he is from the Hispanic origin and had dark skin. However, the officials decided that the former description was more reliable.