Ignored But Not Forgotten

He decided to ignore it. But the question was for how long was he going to avoid that door? For the time being, he placed the table above it. Even though the door was out of his sight, he still could not get the thought off his mind. However, he managed to keep off the urge for some while but soon his curiosity took over his fear and he opened that door. But that did not happen before some guests came to his house.
Showing Around
Simon was very excited about showing his home to his friends and family. His friends and family were amazed and a bit of envy too. Whereas his friends were still exploring his place Simon went to the kitchen to make some tea for them. The mysterious door was sitting quietly beneath the table. Little did Simon know the quiet door was going to bring in chaos in his life.
Something Was Off
His friends loved his house but grew a bit skeptical when they entered his kitchen. They found the placement of the table really odd and asked him the reason behind it. Simon told them about the door that he never dared to open.
Hiding Something

Well, all his friends could not hide their astonishment at Simon’s indifference. In fact, many of them suspected that Simon was hiding something behind those doors. After all, who misses out on the opportunity to explore a mystery like this. His friends pushed him to look through it and that really gave him a lot of courage.
The Night
The day got over. His friends and family got back to their homes. But the thought of opening the door still lingered in his mind. That day too he could not sleep wondering what was behind those doors. He kept staring at the door for hours that night. It was a strange feeling. He was excited and scared both at the same time.
His curiosity was not in his control now. The man had spent many sleepless nights wondering what could be inside that door. Why would anyone make a door onto the floor? Interestingly, the door was carved very carefully. Clearly, it was done on purpose. But why?