The Law On His Side

Joe was not going to give up so easily. The man asked his friends for a piece of advice and learned that the unit once sold is no more a property of the delinquent tenant. He was entitled to keep whatever he finds in the unit with himself. 

How Bad Would It Get?

The owner increased the finders fee to $1,200,000. Clearly, they wanted the findings at any cost. They had no idea what could they do. It was difficult to digest that someone had forgotten $7.5 million dollars in a neglected storage rental.     

Returning A Fortune

Does that mean he was going to get only 1.2 million? No doubt, it was a huge amount but was nothing compared to the amount he had discovered. He wanted to keep it but at the same time, he felt being challenged by their morals. The money was all his but still, he wondered if keeping the money he didn’t earn was right or not. 

A Fair Deal

The man wanted to be fair. He thought of spitting money down to the middle. The previous owner had not paid for the container for more than a couple of months. They were not even responding to the letters of the store owners and that is why the container was in the auction.  

Getting Famous

His wife approached the famous TV host Dan Dotson and told him about the entire scenario. Dan said,  “An older Asian woman at the table next to me kept looking at me like she wanted to tell me something.” “Eventually she walked up and told me her husband works with a guy who bought a unit from me for $500 and found a safe inside.”

Not Normal

Dan Dotson, host of “Storage Wars” explained, “The first person that they called to open the safe couldn’t, or didn’t.”  “They called a second person and when that person opened it up … inside the safe they’re normally empty, but this time it wasn’t empty. It had $7.5million (£5.8million) cash inside.”