Someone There?

The man got a strange feeling of being watched. He felt as if someone was standing right behind him. He turned around but much to his surprise there was no one. There was no one else in the storage container other than he. Was he seeing things? 


Something was definitely wrong with this storage container. He had managed to find something extraordinary but that was too much for him to deal with. Two hours had gone by and Joe was still confused and terrified both. His anxiety doubled when he saw cops at his door. 

What’s Happening?

Well, that was something he had not expected at all. It was all getting confusing minute by minute. First the safe, tapes, notes and now the cops, what was going on?   

A Windfall

After a bit more investigation, he found bundles of yellowed wax paper. There were many bundles inside the safe and he picked one to unwrap. He gently unlayered the bundle and got stunned on finding $50 bills. Thereafter, he unwrapped all the other parcels only to see they were all full of money. 

The Evidence

Joe recalled that he had shared the pictures of the safe’s content with his girlfriend and friends on social media. It was no surprise that the police were knocking at his door. The man had counted $1 million and the counting was still on. He went to the officers and talked to one of them. It is then he learned that there were more people after the content of the safe other than the police. 

Dirty Money

In total, there were $7.5 million hidden in some safes around the containers. They had counted everything from pink slips for cars, nickels, to $100 bills. However, big trouble was afoot for Joe. The original owner had learned about the findings and paid a high-profile owner to get him his fortune back. It was not going to go well for Joe.