Joe, a middle-class man had recently developed an interest in bidding. He had heard a lot about the people striking it rich by bidding on stuff in auctions. All in all his experience was good so far. Just like previous times, he made and won his bid on a storage unit. The unit had a lot of stuff crammed in it. Unfortunately, most of them irreparable. Now, the man began to wonder if he made a mistake. While going through the stuff, he got his attention caught by a container. It was when he decided to open the container that his life took a complete u-turn.

The Dream Of A Lifetime

He was still in doubt. It was nothing short of a gamble. He was either going to have something precious or lose everything he has earned till now. The man was scared but he was hopeful too. If succeeded he was going to change his life for the better. The man wasn’t a professional bidder. He was yet to get a hang of it. As they say, man learns from practice. Betting on storage containers is full of risks. You don’t know what is inside them. They could be full of garbage or hiding something precious. Many bidders had earned big bucks through this and then there were some who regretted it later. The man had heard stories of people finding classic cars, precious gems, and antique items that get sold in millions. He too wanted to give it a shot. Who knows maybe he too would find something precious. His wife was too excited about this purchase.

Win It Or Lose It

The best part of any auction is bidding. It gets really fun sometimes. The bidding did not have high drama, pushing, shouting, and screaming but a peaceful one. Joe wanted to win the bet but at the same time did not want to spend too much. He did not want to go over the budget.The bidding started at $100. Well, it was not an easy one as a woman was upping the bid constantly. The amount had reached up to $350. Neither the woman nor the man seemed to be willing to quit. Before they knew they had touched $400 that got followed with $450, $460, $470. In no time the bet had gone up to 500 dollars. No doubt it was too big an amount and soon the woman backed out. Joe had finally won the bet.

Better Be Worth It

Joe entered his newly bought 5 x 15 unit with curiosity. The room had furniture scattered everywhere. There was not much space in the room just enough for a person to walk around. Well, there was nothing significant to catch his eyes. Now he began to regret his decision. The old furniture was not going to cover the expense. Joe’s eyes caught the sight of a grey container while scanning the room for any good object. The container was kept beside the chest of drawers. The man wondered what could be inside it so he decided to open it.Joe put the drill through the lock to get it open. After succeeding, he carefully removed the lid only to get surprised. Joe saw a bunch of old VHS tapes. He stood back up and began to get them out. That was not it. When he was done with pulling the tapes out of the box, Joe saw a note.

Someone There?

The man got a strange feeling of being watched. He felt as if someone was standing right behind him. He turned around but much to his surprise there was no one. There was no one else in the storage container other than he. Was he seeing things? Something was definitely wrong with this storage container. He had managed to find something extraordinary but that was too much for him to deal with. Two hours had gone by and Joe was still confused and terrified both. His anxiety doubled when he saw cops at his door. Well, that was something he had not expected at all. It was all getting confusing minute by minute. First the safe, tapes, notes and now the cops, what was going on?

A Windfall

After a bit more investigation, he found bundles of yellowed wax paper. There were many bundles inside the safe and he picked one to unwrap. He gently unlayered the bundle and got stunned on finding $50 bills. Thereafter, he unwrapped all the other parcels only to see they were all full of money. In total, there were $7.5 million hidden in some safes around the containers. They had counted everything from pink slips for cars, nickels, to $100 bills. However, big trouble was afoot for Joe. The original owner had learned about the findings and paid a high-profile owner to get him his fortune back. It was not going well for Joe.