Joe, a middle-class man had recently developed an interest in bidding. He had heard a lot about the people striking it rich by bidding on stuff in auctions. All in all his experience was good so far. Just like previous times, he made and won his bid on a storage unit. The unit had a lot of stuff crammed in it. Unfortunately, most of them irreparable. Now, the man began to wonder if he made a mistake. While going through the stuff, he got his attention caught by a container. Well, he could not hold his curiosity and opened the container that turned all his dreams into a nightmare. What worse, the man found police knocking at his door after a couple of hours of opening the container.
The Dream Of A Lifetime
He was still in doubt. It was nothing short of a gamble. He was either going to have something precious or lose everything he has earned till now. The man was scared but he was hopeful too. If succeeded he was going to change his life for the better.
Thrill Of The Bid
The man wasn’t a professional bidder. He was yet to get a hang of it. As they say, man learns from practice. Betting on storage containers is full of risks. You don’t know what is inside them. They could be full of garbage or hiding something precious. Many bidders had earned big bucks through this and then there were some who regretted it later.
Something Valuable
The man had heard stories of people finding classic cars, precious gems, and antique items that get sold in millions. He too wanted to give it a shot. Who knows maybe he too would find something precious. His wife was too excited about this purchase.
All Good So Far
So far, he had a smooth if not great experience in bidding. Every time he succeeded in selling the contents in a bit higher amount than he bought them in. However, the work does not end at buying the containers. The man has to do all the work from sorting, cleaning to look for the right and interested owner. Well, that was too much for him and so he had decided that if he doesn’t get anything big in this container, he was going to quit bidding.
Bid On It
Many people have this hobby of bidding. Some like to bid on ancient artifacts and some bids on objects that are considered junk by many people. Joe had this experience of making money out of the junks. He knew what can earn him something and what can’t.
Standing In The Crowd
Joe was not alone who had come to the auction for the container. The auction was going to start in a while and there was already a crowd. He did not know why people have so much interest in storage containers. There were about 15 to 20 people more. All of them were curious to see what that 5 x 15 Unit (75 sq. ft.) container held.