Safe And Sound
The rescue team brought back Lincoln to the base camp where he was under medical observation and it was one Russian doctor who took care of Lincoln’s condition who was suffering for cerebral edema, frostbite, and other injuries. He was not in the right state and it got really tough for the team and the doctors to see what they could do to save Lincoln.
Permanent Reminders
Although Lincoln was recovering from the damage he suffered from that height, he did lose eight fingertips to frostbite. Fortunately, he was able to recover from the cerebral edema. He even lost the toe but that happened for a very different reason. It was because of the shoes he was wearing.
Climbing Shoes
Every professional hiker wear two layers of shoes, an inner hard layer, and outer layer mainly for insulation and picks for the heavy snow. They are great for protection but if left for long unwanted hours could cause you some serious damage just like Lincoln who lost toes because of lack of blood flow. But with a right and positive mindset, he was able to surpass the extreme weather and made it to the base camp.
Refusing To Give Up
When asked how did he manage to survive, Lincoln said that it was all because of his training which he has been practicing all his life. His past experience of rock-climbing and inner motivation helped him the toughest phase of his life and he was able to fight against all the odds. Although he was able to survive the incident, life after that wasn’t easy for him and it just got harder and harder.
Accomplished Life
After the incident, he was happy and thankful to God and wrote several books on mountaineering, including “White Limbo” (1985) which was about his first expedition and then wrote, “The Loneliest Mountain” (1989), which had all the details about his trips. It was just a beginning and soon Lincoln was seen on TV.
Whoever read about Lincoln’s life story was left in awe and inspired by his struggle and the miracle that happened. Based on his life a documentary was prepared by Emmy-Nominated director and his life was changed and he became a celebrity of some sort. Then his career took off and there was no stop. His life was changed upside down. But good times don’t last for long…