Save Yourselves Now
The Sherpas were exhausted from the climbing and fighting Lincoln, the Sherpas notified the concerned authorities about the situation and waited for further instructions. The Sherpas was told to save themselves and leave Lincoln behind because his current situation looked very thin and they thought that he won’t survive.
Abandoned On The Mountain
The camp authorities told the Sherpas to leave Lincoln’s body behind and save themselves. The Sherpas thought of at least cover the body with rocks but there were none to be seen, so they left the body as it is on the Everest in that extreme weather. After they reached the base camp Lincoln’s death was made official. The family was informed about the death and they were devastated by the news. But then something happened when the team went back to the body of the Lincoln. What did they see?
A Complete Miracle
The next day a team was formed and was asked to locate to Lincoln’s body. The team started their investigation from the last spot the Sherpas left him. When the team reached the spot they were taken aback by the sight as it was something they weren’t expecting. They saw a man sitting on one of the rocks who was changing his shirt. But how did he even survive?
A Simple Statement
One of the climbers from the team recalled the experience saying, “He had his down suit unzipped to the waist, his arms out of the sleeves, was wearing no hat, no gloves, no sunglasses, had no oxygen mask, regulator, ice axe, oxygen, no sleeping bag, no mattress, no food nor water bottle.” Lincoln who saw the team said only one thing to them, “I imagine you’re surprised to see me here.”
Alive And Well
Seeing Lincoln alive was just a pure miracle. There was no way a man could survive the extremest atmosphere of the Everest. But Lincoln survived everything and managed to survive the night without oxygen at the height of 28,000 feet and that too barely clothed. Some even thought that they are hallucinating and seeing a ghost Lincoln. But he was for real.
An Urgent Rescue
The team who was ready to trek the Everest next day dropped the idea and rescued Lincoln. He was literally out of control and anything he said made no sense. The authorities which were involved in this camp sent 12 Sherpas to bring Lincoln back to the safety. You just can’t leave a man to die like that and they made sure they save him for good this time.