A Lot Of Work
But then as we had mentioned earlier, since there were so many discovered items, it was clear that they had their work cut out for them.
Not Just Regular Pieces Of Metal
These tiny pieces of metal held some significance. Now although they seem to be just ordinary metal pieces, they are far more interesting than meets the eye.
I Wonder What’s Inside Here.
The examiners became more and more excited as there were so many items still waiting to be studied. You could even say that they were like kids on a Christmas morning.
An Old Scale
This antique scale again has become a special item. Because it was manufactured during the time of war, it has become a rare find.
Too Much Work Perhaps?
They were beginning to feel as though the items were too much. It was getting a little too strenuous for them and they were getting a little tired.
What About The Paintings?
The value of these paintings is still being determined. Like we have said, all of the items would have been manufactured pre-wartime, so their values would be quite high.