Money Received
The photograph is still with Randy and Linda. They do not know how much are they going to earn from this picture that they bought at $2. But they have already planned what are they going to do with the money that they would get. They are going to pay off their debts and most importantly would use the money to fund their further travels that they would undertake in search of more antique goods. He said, “We could use a new vehicle. We’d really like to look for lost pieces of history be it the US or worldwide. We love to be adventurers. The hunt is a really grand thing.”
Heightened Up
From there on their interest in antiques has only increased. He even urges to the other people to find out more about the good that they are about to throw away. Perhaps some of them have a great historical value. Randy explains, “I hope this prompts others out there to look into trunks and attics because there are so many lost treasures out there.”
Very Emotional
Randy expresses his emotions after proving that the picture he holds was the original one. He expressed, “It was wonderful. We were very emotional watching it.” The 54-year-old man was saying, “We’ve laid it out, told the truth, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride.”
Point Of Inflection
He reminisces that day when he bought the picture. He recalls, “I had just a couple of bucks left, and I found three photographs I liked, and of the three, the oldest tintype, I actually kind of chucked it back in the box.” Well, the life has its own way of revealing things.