David Scott a 45-year-old man felt his heart in his mouth when he encountered a strange looking creature in his lawn. The man was playing outside with his child when he noticed the creature standing still in the middle of the garden. The beast was giving them a death stare that for obvious reasons bothered them a lot. It is then Scott ran back home with his kid and waited for the animal to go. But the intruder stayed put. It appeared as if it was not willing to go. But why?


The animal looked panic-stricken just like the father and his child. The animal kept staring at them waiting for their next move or perhaps the beast was about to do something. For some surprising reasons, it began to walk towards instead of running away.

Silver And Black

It was difficult to make out what exactly was that. The animal resembled a fox. However, the color of the creature was quite different from the ordinary fox. Usually, the fox is found in black or orange color but this one was of silver color. Furthermore, the fox was bigger in size as compared to any ordinary fox.

Out Of Blue


The sudden appearance of this unidentifiable creature bothered David Scott a great deal. What worried him, even more, was the fact that he was not able to identify the creature. The 45-year-old man had encountered a strange creature with his child in his own home. What was he going to do???

Rushing Back Home

Well, Scott decided to go back home as staying outside with his kid was not a wise thing to do. He did not chase the creature away as doing that would have provoked the creature. He locked his house from inside and waited for the animal to go. 

 Scary Stare

The fox stayed still in their ground for several minutes and kept staring at them. Why the fox was not leaving and what does it want? Going out there in the ground again could be dangerous as they had no idea about the temperament of the fox. Was the fox in some kind of danger?

Posting It Online


Many times Social media has proven instrumental in solving the complicated mysteries. Scott decided to put a post on Facebook to see if anyone knew anything about this creature. They started off with how they found the animal and how they mistook it for a dog………