The Right Thing To Do
Matthew Emanuel gave all the contents of the safe to the previous owner. An innocent discovery of a safe turned into such a revelation in a matter of a few days. This was all thanks to winter weather, invasive deer, and Bamboo Bob’s curious nature. Matthew finally got to solve a mystery that the police were still under six years counting. So would Matthew ever get a reward for doing all this?
Instant Karma
Matthew had no second guessing that the objects should go to the previous owner. His elderly neighbor was the rightful owner, so the money and the contents of the box was hers to keep. Matthew did not wish to get any reward. Informing the press was enough and all he wished for was good karma. In his opinion, Matthew was just doing the right thing during the course of this life-changing event.
A Coincidence
“They were pretty stunned,” he told the news people. This is a story proving just how surprising life can get.“I knew whose it was,” he added, “When I did not know Saturday night, I had all intentions of keeping it. But once Sunday came and I found out whose it was, I knew it was somebody else’s. I couldn’t walk past their house and live with myself knowing I had their stuff.”
Remembering The Mystery
Their garden has been renovated and the safe had also been given to the rightful owner. Matthew and his family wanted to remember what had taken place. A ceramic elephant was placed near the bamboo that Bamboo Bob’s team had planted. They wanted to commemorate the interesting chain of events the safe had led them to experience. They have since been more alert and observe their surroundings better.