The Problem

Oliver’s determination burned bright; he wouldn’t back down easily. The dream of a pond had lived in him for years, and he wasn’t about to let this obstacle shatter it. Instead, he decided to solve the problem and turn his muddy pit into the oasis he’d always dreamt.

Determined to get to the root of the problem, Oliver observed the pond day after day. But by this point, all of the water lilies and Koi fish were long gone—nothing was happening. However, what he was looking for wasn’t at the surface of the pond. It was deep in the muddy puddle.

A Sunny Morning

Weeks went by and Oliver still had no answers. But on one sunny morning, everything changed. While Oliver and Emily were spending some much-needed time in the sun in their garden, the water in the pond started moving. Emily was so shocked she jumped out of her seat on the bench!

Oliver stared at the still water, unable to spot any movement. Suddenly, a loud splash echoed out of nowhere, instantly capturing his interest. He felt sure that something was hiding beneath the surface, poised to unveil itself. His excitement and intrigue mounted as he contemplated the enigma concealed within the water.

Something is There

There was definitely something in the pond, and Oliver was set on solving this puzzle. He thought that whatever it was had a hand in the sudden vanishing of his water lilies and Koi fish. He was determined to reveal the secret behind this mystery and set things right in his beloved garden.

Oliver knew that in order to have his dream pond, he needed to find out what it was and get rid of it quickly. But he had no idea how difficult  and challenging it would be. He just wanted it to get out of the pond so that he can finally make his dream pond come to life.

Being Careful

Hyperaware and looking for any signs of movement, Oliver walked to the pond cautiously as Emily ran back into the house. But alas, there weren’t any signs of life. Oliver kept staring at it,  clueless as to what he could do next to make the situation better.

So, Oliver found a stick in the garden and he used it to move the water around in the pond. However, regardless of how much he moved the water, it didn’t move again. It was as if it hadn’t moved at all. Oliver kept trying carefully so that it could move at least a bit.

Seeing Movement

By this point, Oliver was feeling extremely frustrated. Just as he thought he was finally going to get answers, he was back to where he started. He decided to move the stick in the water one last time, hoping something would happen.

For a few minutes, Oliver stood there silently, and then the water started moving again. He couldn’t figure out what was causing the water to ripple. But he wasn’t willing to give us this easily—he was closer than ever! He just had to know.

Draining it Out

As soon as Oliver saw movement, he began getting to work. Time was of the essence and he wasn’t going to let whatever was moving disappear again. So, he opened the valve he installed and watched as water drained from the pond, allowing him to take a clear look at what it was.

The water ended up taking a few hours to completely drain, but Oliver was more than happy to wait. By the end of it, there was no water left. It was completely drained of water, everything was visible to Oliver. But he still couldn’t look clearly.